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My 3 Favorite Leather Stamps

I wanted to take a break and highlight my MOST USED STAMPS. These are stamps I use on almost every tooling project. I’m going to list these in the order of WHEN I use them.

Again, complete transparency – these links are affiliate links. So if you buy a tool with these links, we get some money back which helps us to continue creating leather crafting articles and videos for you! Ok, Here we go!

#3 – The Bevel Stamp

So we’ve cased (wet) our leather and carved the outline of our design with the swivel knife. The very net thing I pick up is the Bevel stamp tool. I use this to basically turn my drawing from 2D to 3D. We follow on the outer edges of our design to essentially press down the leather around it, and this in turn lifts or makes our design appear to be 3 dimensional. In technical jargon, it makes the pattern stand out in ‘relief’ – or simply embossed. However you spell it, it sure looks dang cool!

#2 – Seeder Stamp

This stamp is called a seeder because it allows you to add plant/flower seeds to your design. For instance, if you have a pattern with vines, maybe one of your vines will have a pod with seeds in there. Or, the inside of your flower could have seeds on the head. It looks really neat when you incorporate different sizes too. The seeder stamp comes in a variety of shapes and assortments. From one ‘seed’ to many groped together.

#1 – Background Stamp

The background stamp tool is usually the tool I use to ‘finish’ my piece. It creates a background to give your design a professional and artistic finish. There are many different styles but this is one of the first ones I used. You are basically smashing down large areas, so you can highlight your design. Similar to the bevel tool above, only this is flat and used to cover a lot of area, not just the edge of your design.

The cool thing with any stamp is that you may find other uses for it. For instance, if you turn the bevel stamp sideways, you can create designs in your patters. You can also take your background stamp and make a cool flower with the tear drop shape it has. You have to think outside the box and don’t be afraid to try something crazy – who knows, you might start a trend!